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What Our students have to say...

“ I stumbled across the Spirit World Center by chance and subscribed for a free trial. My first few sessions were truly amazing and felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I immediately signed up for the course and it was one of the greatest things I did for my spiritual development. 


The course was easy to follow with exercises that explained the process very well. It was all creating a conscious experience for me that I felt was very tailored to my needs. At my 1 to 1 sessions with Lunavá, we sometimes did different journeys to the ones in the course because of the events that were happening in my life at the time. 


The level of care, compassion, professionalism and empathy from Lunavá made my journey truly amazing. I couldn’t recommend hopping on board highly enough, if spiritual development is your goal. 


I struggled with time commitment and being completely honest there was never any pressure or negativity when I didn’t complete the exercises or didn’t have the energy to follow through with meetings. It’s exactly what you need to be able to go at your own pace and make the experience truly yours.” 

Magdalena W. / Lawyer

" I am a three year, coming up on four year student of the Spirit World Center, primarily taught by Lunavá. In the last few years my growth has changed so hugely that I am struggling to put it into words. Not only has she taught me an immense amount about the Spirit World, but also about how to navigate the Spirit World in the everyday, how to call in and communicate with my higher self, and how to live in community with the Spirits. I firmly believe the Spirit World Center has put me on the path to being my best self and to fulfilling what I was born to do in this life. I have shamanism and witchcraft as an ancestral lineage, but with Lunavá (and Eric!) their wealth of information is organized in such an accessible and kind way- I would’ve had to google and piece together bits of information my entire life to put together half of what they know.


My practice at first continued on side by side with my life as I am a medical professional until I realized one day that I have merged the two together and I walk through the world as a shamanic medical professional. I could not have merged these two important parts of me that felt at odds without them. And all the while, Lunavá held such space for me while my ‘muggle’ life continued, as life does. Family illness, personal struggles- life goes on, but I had new tools with which to view these challenges, understand them, and transmute them. While the program is not designed for three years, I chose- and choose- to go at the pace that I needed to incorporate and process all of the lessons, life changes, and new levels of integration that I experience with each module and in life.


My psychic, shamanic healing and spirit communication skills have increased hundredfold, and I am excited to continue learning. Being able to talk with Lunavá about things that I had kept secret all of my life has also enabled more transparency in my ‘muggle’ life. This openness and comfort with who I am helped me to find a supportive community of like-minded people in my own hometown, something I never would have imagined living in the southern United States. If you feel the call to walk this path, I highly recommend utilizing the Spirit World Center as your guides. Your life will be changed for the better. "

Jillian P. / Nurse

" Working with the Spirit World Center and Lunavá has been a joy. I have felt truly supported on my journeys and free to ask questions along the way. Lunavá has helped me unpack the material in steps suited to my schedule and my timeline without judgement. Shamanic journeying journeying has been key in reshaping my understanding of the world and the invisible things that move us all, and my perspective continues to shift from one of fear to one of love. I would absolutely recommend The Spirit World Center to anyone looking to deepen their understanding and relationship to Spirit and to anyone looking to deepen their engagement with life."

Nathalie K. / Ceramic Artisan

" Eric and Lunavá are a fascinating, friendly, and incredibly knowledgeable team of teachers to work with. Between the two of them, they can answer just about any question you might have about the occult, spiritual practices, magick, etc! During my time with them I felt like they were giving me very focused and individualized time and attention - the program did not in any way feel "cookie cutter" or one size fits all. I'd wholeheartedly recommend working with them to just about anybody interested in deepening their knowledge of magickal practices (their Q&A sessions alone are a super interesting deep dive into a variety of magickal topics and trivia!) Eric is a walking library of facts and knowledge, and Lunavá is truly in tune with the spirit world - it's a combination you can't beat."

Lilla D. / Teacher

" My experience learning from Lunavá and Eric at the Spirit World Center has been life changing! They've helped me develop and hone my skills working with the spirit world and my guides. I love how the learning is structured and feel like I've gotten so much more out of it than I ever expected.


Lunavá and Eric are kind, patient, and excellent teachers. I highly recommend the Spirit World Center to anyone interested in learning about the spirit world or even those who already have experience, because you won't be disappointed! "

Andrea B.  / Photographer

" I came to the spirit world center when I was at an extremely low point in my life. Eric and Lunavá opened the door to shamanic healing for me and it has been completely life changing. The course material is rich and easy to jump into. Shamanic journeying has given me the tools I needed to deal with life challenges, as well as heal from the past. The teachers have been extremely supportive, and I couldn’t be happier to  have started my soul healing journey at the Spirit world center. "

Derek M. / Construction Business Owner

" Throughout years of doing meditations alone and group ones, in all honesty Lunavá's guided Journeys have been the most spiritually impactful for me. The actual process she walks you through is very gentle and intentional. Paving a very safe environment with the feeling of being supported in the before, during, and especially after process. Meditations and guided journeys can uncover many things good or even confusing. But it's always been wonderful to have someone like Lunavá too try and help you understand your Journey and meaning of some things. The Journeys have helped me in ways I did not expect, I have met people, beings, spirits, seen the most beautiful and unexpected things, through each journey I have learned more about myself in ways I never expected and for that I am truly grateful. I recommend a guided journey with Lunavá due to the above and because she is truly one of the most pure hearted, beautiful, truthful, and honest souls I know, she is someone who genuinely cares for others and you can feel that anytime you talk to her. But you can especially feel all her care and love during her guided Journeys. "

Mel B. / Norse Pagan Witch

" I started learning from Lunavá and Eric in June 2020, and I've come a long way since then. With their guidance and support, I've engaged with my life in a way that's far deeper than I have in all the years prior. I've learned to read the signs of Spirit and honor the direction of my higher self. What I've loved especially about working with the Spirit World Center is how much I've been encouraged to be a channel for my own guides. They've reiterated to me time and time again that I am my own best teacher, and that I have all the answers within me or within reach. They inspire me to reach for those answers and have made me so curious about all the ways I can connect with my spirit team. Honestly, my spiritual life has been so beautifully enriched by the presence of Eric and Lunavá. I'm eternally grateful for having connected with them and for having access to their spiritual support. I highly recommend their programs! "

Emma H. / Writer

" The guided journey process helped me be more grounded and connected to myself and my guides and ancestors. I felt the safest and the most supported I could. Lunavá were very "warm" - earthy almost - and welcoming. I would definitely recommend guided journeys with her, because it helped me connect more than I thought it would and she was extremely kind and gave me all the time I needed. Overall it was an amazing experience for it being my first guided journey. "

Evelyne / Witchcraft Practitioner

" Learning about Soul Healing and Practicing trance journeying with Lunavá is on another level. She guided me, accompanies me at my own pace, and is always attentive to my needs. Each journey is accompanied by a deep description of the theme explored, followed by journey instructions to safely embark on my quest in the world of spirits. Lunavá genuinely cares that we have a truly personalized experience, wherever we are on our spiritual journey. Thanks to her teachings and the sharing of her wisdom, I was able to initiate a profound healing of my soul and thus reclaim the path of my destiny. I have been a student for two years now, and I Highly recommend her Soul Healing Course, many discoveries await you! "

Melanie D. / Social Worker

" Eric and the Spirit World Center have opened up a new and exciting world for me.  The spirit world is something that I have always wanted to know about and explore but  I could not find the right teachings or teacher. Thankfully I found Eric who has created this wonderful program that leads me, step by step, in understanding and learning about the spirit world. I look forward to receiving the weekly lessons and enjoy the process in learning and being a part of this wonderful spirit world. Thank you Eric and the Spirit World Center. "

Karen L.  / Mother at Home

" I would highly recommend guided journeys with Lunavá! I've gone through about 5 guided journeys with her and every time I am pleasantly surprised and always feel safe and supported before, during and after the journey. Much of the experience is designed to make you think about the specific topic and really delve into your feelings about it.
She has always encouraged journaling and discussion about the experience as well, which always helps solidify the benefit of the journey. I feel I've made many strides in my personal development because of those journeys, and many others whom I've experienced them with feel the same!  "

Ian P.  / Norse Pagan

" Lunavá’s guided journey was amazing and peaceful, a time of being one with oneself. Guided through the journey along with one's guide/guardian on a quest of healing and regeneration through the cold winter solstice energies...Lunavá is an amazing guide who tries to make you feel comfortable even if you're new to trance journeys... Even if it is my polar opposite on the energy spectrum, I absolutely loved the healing experience and would recommend others to Lunavá's guided journeys! "

Drake P.  

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Image by Scott Carroll


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